So, I finally had the time to realize the demo came out for Demigod, and I was very impressed. It runs great on my 1.76Ghz dual core laptop, and it's tons of fun. I would already own it, but I have a coupon for Best Buy.
The demo is limited, but it allows someone to really get a feel for the game. The full version promises 5vs5 combat, but 3vs3 is enough to show you how much fun a multiplayer game like this can be. The team-oriented combat really makes you feel involved in something strategical and big. Only 4 demigods are available in the demo, but all four seemed expertly balanced. The games are short enough not to be too long to do in one sitting, but they are long enough that you could put one on a schedule (about 1 hour). Perfect.
Personally, I kinda wish some of the autonomous soldiers would mirror the actions of a general's elite troops, since you currently have no control over where they go or what they attack. But it works the way it is, and the autonomous troops have a great AI. Better, I would think, than some players might use them. So that could be a double-edged sword.
Overall, it's one of the best games out there, and probably the only great game out there that will run fine on my laptop.
edit: Ghz, not Mhz. Soon to be Thz.