The place to go to pout about the universe in a rational way. No intelligence required.
You knew it was coming.
Published on April 11, 2008 By SplitPeaSoup In Sins of a Solar Empire

I thought that the time of release for 1.04 (a job well done from the change list) would be a good time for none other than a list of desires for the next patch!


1) Please respond in the form of a link to a new post.

2) Do not argue with someone's post on this thread.

3) Balance ideas should include a specific fix.

I do not expect everyone to follow the rules, but it would be nice if the people who read this would take them into consideration.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 11, 2008
This game has graphics? wow I guess never of you played Nexus or Hegenmina. Those are effects! lookem up

Try to keep the discussion relevant to this game. And Nexus was lame .

Here's my idea: Alliance Viewer
on Apr 11, 2008
Hmm personally i'd like a no rush timer for small maps like say 10-20 minutes depending on the size so its not a rush to get to the enemys homeworld.

This is already in.

You just build frigates.
on Apr 22, 2008
Some type of expensive space station that acts as a semi planet with logistic & tactical slots that we can build/deploy in choke point systems of wormholes/dead asteroids/plasma fields/etc/etc/ so as to control key nodes better.
on Apr 22, 2008
Longer ship and planet names... I can't name my battlecruisers "Azhanti High Lightning".
on Apr 22, 2008
I actually have one small request. It's an Advent tweak, and it's such a small request. When you want to research the pop increase to ur starting terran, well, you can't as Advent. You must research desert pop% increase FIRST before you research the terran upgrade..........WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?The Vasari can do this at the beginning, and they're a friggin ALIEN race. Why can the Advent not do this? Ok, so they're humans that we banished and they love the desert worlds, I get that, but they're still human. Just get rid of that research requirement. It's just annoying.Or go the other way around. Make the Vasari research lava colonization before they can research terran colonization. Either way, change it. It's just annoying.

in a few maps the hw is desert. Vasari's cant not increase max pop but Advert can. Both tec and advert have a desert tech but not vasari
on Apr 22, 2008
I actually have one small request. It's an Advent tweak, and it's such a small request. When you want to research the pop increase to ur starting terran, well, you can't as Advent. You must research desert pop% increase FIRST before you research the terran upgrade..........WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?The Vasari can do this at the beginning, and they're a friggin ALIEN race. Why can the Advent not do this? Ok, so they're humans that we banished and they love the desert worlds, I get that, but they're still human. Just get rid of that research requirement. It's just annoying.Or go the other way around. Make the Vasari research lava colonization before they can research terran colonization. Either way, change it. It's just annoying.

in a few maps the hw is desert. Vasari's cant not increase max pop but Advert can. Both tec and advert have a desert tech but not vasari
on Apr 22, 2008
Advent homeworld was desert. And Vasari was volcanic :/
on Apr 22, 2008
Advent homeworld was desert. And Vasari was volcanic :/

hmmm guess I didnt read that in dept with Vasari. Review states they like to rule their cities from planet orbit. It didnt state it was volcanic. If vasari hw was volcanic why would they make vasari research volcano to colonize it?
on Apr 22, 2008
An option for generating smaller maps (3-6 planets/asteroids) so the big cool Babylon 5 space battles can be had within an hour instead of three. That means more colonizable structures like research stations (in addition to the metal and crystal mines that already exist) to get things moving along. Also colonizable artifacts-- that you don't have to spend money and metal to find, this would add an interesting exploratory dimension, and perhaps even create a race for that "key" artifact. This could potentially add more diverse strategies (i.e. invade the asteroid with 2 colonizable military research labs, versus the one with 3 colonizable civilian research labs) so there are more variations in the flow of the game. A very small random map generator would also be nice.

I'm sorry if this is a big request but I like fast down and dirty fighting in addition to building big space empires.
on Apr 22, 2008
i know its alot to ask but it would be nice to have a campaign... i really want to know who is chasing the vasari and it would be nice to tell us in the story. Im pretty sure stardock can think of something cool, or talk to authors of sci fi books like halo or something...
on Apr 23, 2008
I have to agree with the whole campaign idea. If there is so much history and lore why not build on that and have the campaign revolve around that.
I would also like to see more ships, mainly capital class, and none of this balance nonsense. No war has ever been balanced, i don't recall Churchill ringing Hitler and saying "no no fair that you have V2 rockets and we have nothing to match it so don't use them." Want to prove yourself as a true strategest then use a weaker race to win
on Apr 23, 2008
i know its alot to ask but it would be nice to have a campaign... i really want to know who is chasing the vasari and it would be nice to tell us in the story. Im pretty sure stardock can think of something cool, or talk to authors of sci fi books like halo or something...

A campaign has been semi-confirmed for the upcoming expansion; I doubt we'll see it in a content patch, though I suppose it's possible.

@Fearzone, it seems like the prerequisite for big, awesome (and hopefully B5-like) battles is a sufficient economy to BUILD those fleets, which I can't imagine ever happening on a 3-6 planet map. Sure, you'd run into your enemy sooner, but with your two-planet economy, it'd be a spat between half a dozen frigates on each side, not a big epic one.

I'd also like a little extra length for the ship and planet names. Being cut off with "TEF Jormungan" just takes a little of the fun out of it. 13(?) characters isn't a whole lot.

And to weigh in on the OT discussion, Hegemonia was indeed pretty but also a very mediocre game. I haven't beaten Nexus yet, but it's good-looking as well. Both those games were limited in scope, though, so I don't think Sins could realistically aspire to match their graphics, at least not without shrinking into the same hardware market as Crysis.
on Apr 23, 2008
I would also like to see more ships, mainly capital class, and none of this balance nonsense. No war has ever been balanced, i don't recall Churchill ringing Hitler and saying "no no fair that you have V2 rockets and we have nothing to match it so don't use them." Want to prove yourself as a true strategest then use a weaker race to win

You might have an inkling of an argument if this were a war simulator. It isn't. It isn't made for realism. If you like unfair fights and that feels more 'realistic' to you, you can load up against 9 Unfair AI and go at it. You also have the option to go against 9 other people if you really wanted. You also have the option to mod a race into oblivion. But most people don't like being walked all over by something imbalanced, and similarly dislike walking all over something using imbalance.

You also used a terrible example. The Axis powers were the 'weaker race' of WWII. They didn't win or even come close because after a certain point, the odds were against them to an enormous degree.

Additionally, war is not a platform to 'test' strategy in real life. It's a physical and political struggle where people die, are seriously injured, and literally lose their sanity. You have imperfect information and must act on that information, and inevitably something will go wrong (or right). It's like playing chess without being able to see the other player's pieces or only knowing in general where some pieces are.

Speaking of which, chess and Go and other games like them are real tests of strategy. Everyone knows what's going on, everyone knows the rules of the game, everyone is evenly matched so the winner is, by definition, the best player - the best strategist - and it has nothing to do with luck, doesn't depend on third-party information etc.
on Apr 23, 2008
I would also like to see more ships, mainly capital class, and none of this balance nonsense. No war has ever been balanced, i don't recall Churchill ringing Hitler and saying "no no fair that you have V2 rockets and we have nothing to match it so don't use them." Want to prove yourself as a true strategest then use a weaker race to win

You're comparing apples to oil refineries.

War is serious and fatal business. Sins is a video game. One is a life and death struggle, the other is meant to be an entertainment product.

Its not a plus when a game company tells you "our game has three races and lots of ships, but if you ever want to win a game you should only play Vasari and only build Enforcers."
on Apr 23, 2008
The order of players selected before game start should match the player order in the map's .galaxy files, so you can pick what planet/system you start in, instead of it being randomised (if the map allows it/has player numbers assigned to starting planets).
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