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Seabass put it straight. StarWARS additions were ridiculed, StarCRAFT additions will be ridiculed.
Published on April 21, 2008 By SplitPeaSoup In Everything Else

I bought Warcraft III on the first day it came out. I even got a cool action figure. But I really did not enjoy the game. It required far too much micromanagment, and I missed being able to amass knights and ultralisks. I built like 2 knights, and I reached "high upkeep" and "pop limit."

In my opinion, Stardock is the wave of the future. While Blizz wastes its time giving people something they don't want, fewer units and more chances to screw up for stupid I-clicked-it-wrong reasons, Stardock is giving people 4x. They are putting  strategy back into the strategy game.

Starcraft was great back when sprite graphics looked cool, and Red Alert was the primary competition.

Comments (Page 9)
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on Apr 24, 2008
Hard to imagine in all these posts about Starcraft, Sins, and RPGs I didn't even see one person mention Earthbound on the RPG part.
on Apr 24, 2008
Surumon take a count of people who actually played earthbound(I did for like a grand total of 10 minutes) and then you wont be so surprised .
on Apr 24, 2008
Please don't try and make the argument that clicking the fastest is considered strategy. After all, generals issue orders--they shouldn't have to baby-sit units. Especially when units are considered "trained" units.

Exactly theres hundreds of button bash strats out there so why aim to make this game just like them? Really great game and forums I may say(Something I can seldom say ) but this whole issue of turning sins to generic rubbish is worrying me!
on Apr 24, 2008
Best is not subjective

It absolutely is, you are just deciding to stick with an account's use of it, i.e. as a synonym for "profitable". It is profitable and popular, and a whole lot of fun to a whole lot of people, but like fun, "best" is subjective, quit trying to make it some absolute that it is not.

how terrible to have a game that requires micromanagement ... The whole damn point is so that the faster you are, the more efficient you are, the better you are.


So you're left with physics based weaponry, yes, that's just what we need. Hills having more of an effect on gameplay than skill.

I like how you equate skill in a strategy game with ability to click quickly and precisely but not with being unable to cope with the requirement that you take landscape into account, how you feel twitch reaction is more strategic the actual planning, how you seem feel being able to manually position your troops using a limited interface where they will be useful makes a person more of a strategist than knowing a better strategy that they cannot execute because the interface gets in their way. Strategic ability, outside of the current way the RTS genre has developed (real life and chess for example), has almost nothing to do with how fast a person can move dumb-as-rock pieces around. It has to do with setting up patrol routes, supply lines, and deciding on paths to combat zones; not telling Private Last Class Homer to move two feet to the right.

It's not like they couldn't have made them move and shoot, they chose not to.

Its funny how you don't even see how much credit where none is due you give this game. Or do you actually know for a fact that it was a design choice not necessity that resulted in this?
on Apr 24, 2008

Oops, I meant accountant's.
on Apr 24, 2008
Oh my...Is this 1999, or people are still arguing about which is better, TA or SC?

Pssshh, that's not even a contest, TA, hands down

Its funny how you don't even see how much credit where none is due you give this game. Or do you actually know for a fact that it was a design choice not necessity that resulted in this?

LOL, yeah... The limit of units on-screen? The interface which requires you to click million-times-per-second in order to do something? The bad pathfinding and units stuck behind buildings? A pure ingenuity. All part of Blizzard's grand strategy. It has nothing to do with the fact that it has the exact same gameplay mechanics as Warcraft 2, a game that was released almost three years prior to it, of course.

Still, SC's grand achievement for me was its excellent atmosphere and storytelling. No other RTS beat it to this day, IMO.
on Apr 24, 2008
Still, SC's grand achievement for me was its excellent atmosphere and storytelling. No other RTS beat it to this day, IMO.

I'd say Homeworld's story did a pretty good job, but it is hard to say as StarCraft's story couldn't keep interested long enough to finish one campaign. In general I would agree though, most RTSes I don't even notice or pay attention to what they try to pass off as a story.
on Apr 24, 2008
Okay, I'm betting MAny fans will be disapointed in Starcraft II, because it will be like every other RTS. Thanks the Blizzard Fan Boys for making the other games be like their favorite stinkin' game, destroying all creativity!

I'm sure PC Gamer will still blabber about how "unique" StarCraft II is (unique being stupid and extremely over rated), and give it a very high rating, one it doesn't deserve. Blizzard is losing it. Warcraft 3, and now Starcraft II. Losers.

on Apr 24, 2008
I was the one that posted my concrete complaints about Starcraft a few pages back which were answered by some.

1) Moving and shooting...if you have to micro-manage that then it's not really moving and shooting, it's you micro-ing his every step and adding a fire step in teh middle. Personally I don't want to play a game like that.
2) Selecting groups...the poster said that all races can select 12...remember I only played the original Starcraft, sans patches. Back then Zerg could select 12, every other race selected 9.
3) Queuing up 5 at the factory...believe it or not, not every game has the same mechanic of making you pay upfront when you queue! Some games charge the unit cost only when it starts production...
4) Unit balance...yeah I said it was bad. It was. I'm sure they patched that. Hell the Dawn of War original game had bad balance issues too.
5) Units not shooting back. Again, this was the original game and since that's not really acceptable Unit AI, I'm sure they patched they too.

Point being, those things ruined the fun of Starcraft for me and they are real concrete complaints. Some of those problems were eventually fixed. Others, people just got used to. I played games at that time that did not have those issues.

As for the comment that micromanagement = skill or at least is conducive for pro-style competition, I don't agree. TA had lots of unit and production automation and still required alot of skill to play. If you're not micromanaging, you're spending your time managing something's not like you're going to sit there idle! TA was played competitively in original CPL. In TA, skilled player vs n00b, you just overwhelm him with your production. Skilled vs Skilled, you have to beat him by strategy, misdirection, probing for weaknesses, and slamming him with an attack that he can't defend. Micro is less a part of the game, but that doesn't mean it requires less skill, just a different kind of skill.
on Apr 24, 2008
3) Queuing up 5 at the factory...believe it or not, not every game has the same mechanic of making you pay upfront when you queue! Some games charge the unit cost only when it starts production...

Heck, some make you pay over time during construction, far superior!
on Apr 24, 2008
Heck, some make you pay over time during construction, far superior!

I agree; preferable to the Blizzard mechanic, to me at least, by far. That's one thing I'll always appreciate about CnC.
on Apr 24, 2008
I am hoping that SC2 will be great although I have the aching feeling it will be like WCIII or bliz will find a new and unique way to F**k it up. Havent liked a bliz game since Diablo 2.
on Apr 24, 2008
Heck, some make you pay over time during construction, far superior!I agree; preferable to the Blizzard mechanic, to me at least, by far. That's one thing I'll always appreciate about CnC.

CnC, Spring, TA, SC, and even Homeworld I believe.
on Apr 25, 2008
Surumon take a count of people who actually played earthbound(I did for like a grand total of 10 minutes) and then you wont be so surprised .

Strange, almost everyone I know has played it and beaten it.
Staying a bit on topic, I'm not really going to argue which RTS is better. It's all a mute point really, everyone will stick to what they liked best and it won't really move beyond that.
on Apr 25, 2008
Ok i must address the unit imbalance issue sometimes the testers like the unit imbalance i was a part of the beta testing for dawn of war and at the time the super units were much more costly to build which made up for the imbalance, this is probably what happened in the case of starcraft

and on the selection limits most RTS's made have this limitation even the turnbased games
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