The place to go to pout about the universe in a rational way. No intelligence required.
You knew it was coming.
Published on April 11, 2008 By SplitPeaSoup In Sins of a Solar Empire

I thought that the time of release for 1.04 (a job well done from the change list) would be a good time for none other than a list of desires for the next patch!


1) Please respond in the form of a link to a new post.

2) Do not argue with someone's post on this thread.

3) Balance ideas should include a specific fix.

I do not expect everyone to follow the rules, but it would be nice if the people who read this would take them into consideration.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 11, 2008's Link
on Apr 11, 2008
There won't be a 1.05 unless plans change.
on Apr 11, 2008
There won't be a 1.05 unless plans change.

To clarify, the next patch is going to be 1.1 -- a major "content" level patch, rather than a bugfix / balance tweak patch.

Known features include new "tunneling" netcode for hosting, and an "ultra high" graphics set of models and effects.
on Apr 11, 2008
Yay for content patches
on Apr 11, 2008
1.1 is adding new ship "The Astek." Which will pwn face ;O
on Apr 11, 2008
...and effects
Thanks, Ron. Other references to 1.1 had cited higher-poly models, but not more graphically intense effects to go with them. That was on my wish list.

I'd like a graphical switch option for more types and models for and more persistent debris. What got me jumping on board Sins was a wonderful screenshot that a friend on a different forum posted during beta, showing a post-capship+frigateswarm battle pile of space junk.

-- Retro
on Apr 11, 2008
Hmm personally i'd like a no rush timer for small maps like say 10-20 minutes depending on the size so its not a rush to get to the enemys homeworld.
on Apr 11, 2008
No rush timer would be nice for the more casual gamers out there. A graphics upgrade would also be welcome. I already love the game, I can't imagine it with higher res textures, polys, and effects!
on Apr 11, 2008
I've played both, and Hegemonia (if that's the game you're referring to) had nice graphics, but it sucked and it brought my computer to a standstill when it was released. Sins has great graphics, maybe not to the level of Hegemonia's, but it won't kill your average gaming rig and it supports a great number more ships on the screen before things begin to bog down. If SoaSE were released with a graphic level that brought my half-decent computer down to 4 fps, it wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable. For the performance it provides, Sins' graphic presentation is, pardon the pun, stellar.

-- Retro
on Apr 11, 2008
im hoping for different looking interface's for each race instead of tec for all
on Apr 11, 2008
I am having a hard time with Fleet management. For the next version, I would love to be able to guard certain ships (Advent Guardian)with a couple HC and attack other specific types, aka ships with buff abilities.

Right now, battle tactics are a bit "kill the man with the ball" and not the targeted attacks I am currently attempting with great difficulty (especially the defending aspects)
on Apr 11, 2008
then use shift?.....
on Apr 11, 2008
I actually have one small request. It's an Advent tweak, and it's such a small request. When you want to research the pop increase to ur starting terran, well, you can't as Advent. You must research desert pop% increase FIRST before you research the terran upgrade..........WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?

The Vasari can do this at the beginning, and they're a friggin ALIEN race. Why can the Advent not do this? Ok, so they're humans that we banished and they love the desert worlds, I get that, but they're still human. Just get rid of that research requirement. It's just annoying.

Or go the other way around. Make the Vasari research lava colonization before they can research terran colonization. Either way, change it. It's just annoying.
on Apr 11, 2008
If I were to guess, I'd say the whole Advent/desert thing is likely a tribute to Homeworld. That story started out with a strong female leader living on a desert world.

-- Retro
on Apr 11, 2008
Thanks, Ron. Other references to 1.1 had cited higher-poly models, but not more graphically intense effects to go with them. That was on my wish list.

Hey, I could be wrong. I know I heard about the models, I thought effects (explosions) were going with them. But that could have been somebodies wish list or something...
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