The place to go to pout about the universe in a rational way. No intelligence required.
Published on April 29, 2008 By SplitPeaSoup In Religion

Genesis 1:24 (Whole Chapter)
And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so.

The land produces creatures.


Genesis 1:26 (Whole Chapter)
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, [ Hebrew; Syriac all the wild animals ] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

Us, of course, refers to the universe, the universal code, or the ID behind the universe's tuning. Make refers to evolution.

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 02, 2008
"The homology concept is an investigative kind concepts because its historical origin stems
from the fact that biologists perceived and perceive a unity of form among different groups of organisms

There is a unity of form among all organisms, and I perceive it. Why do you not?
on May 02, 2008
Welcome to my hell, cscoles.

on May 03, 2008
Welcome to my hell, cscoles.

birds of a feather zoo?   
on May 03, 2008
And yet you rely on the Bible......

Which, if taken different ways, means: Either man wrote it. "God" wrote it. Man interpreted Gods will/words.

Each way, you're getting your truth from others...

but at least it doesn't change SP. It's just as good today as it was 2500 years ago.

on May 04, 2008
It's just as good today as it was 2500 years ago

Thats a subjective opinion if ever there was one. Incidentally, I appreciate Zoo's and other's efforts to support their discussions. At least there is a wide range of ideas being traded, not the singular idea that the bible is the be all and end all of any literate discussion.
on May 04, 2008
And yet you rely on the Bible......Which, if taken different ways, means: Either man wrote it. "God" wrote it. Man interpreted Gods will/words. Each way, you're getting your truth from others...but at least it doesn't change SP. It's just as good today as it was 2500 years ago.

Oh but it has changed, through interpretations, translations, transliterating, etc...
on May 04, 2008
but at least it doesn't change SP. It's just as good today as it was 2500 years ago.

I wonder why we didn't think of doing this with the United States constitution? People always make the mistake of leaving perfection open to debate. But not with the bible. It says the land produced animals, and it means that.
on May 04, 2008
Thats a subjective opinion if ever there was one.

no, actually it's very objective. The bible has not changed one iota. We still have the same 5,000 GK and Hebrew original copies from which all translations come. As the languages change....for instance we don't say "thee" and "thou" in everyday langauage this does change, but that doesn't mean the bible changes. To put a you and your instead of a thee and thou doesn't constitute change.

I have a friend who has a 1700's bible. It has the same stuff in it my new modern one has. We put them side by side and read them. I've seen very old bibles from the very first century, some in German and other languages, but they still all say the same just in a diff dialect.

Oh but it has changed, through interpretations, translations, transliterating, etc...

no it didn't. Man can say whatever he wants...doesn't change the bible. There are plenty of bibles out there that stay true to the original Gk and Hebrew originals.

It says the land produced animals, and it means that.

no it doesn't and I already showed you how. So you are just saying you want to ignore all the rest and pick out what fits your theory best. Is that fair?

At least there is a wide range of ideas being traded, not the singular idea that the bible is the be all and end all of any literate discussion.

exchanging ideas is fine, but to throw out something just because it doesn't fit your ideas isn't right either is it? How subjective is that?

on May 04, 2008
no it doesn't and I already showed you how. So you are just saying you want to ignore all the rest and pick out what fits your theory best. Is that fair?

That's what you are doing. I am a genuine prophet of God, so my opinion counts for more.
on May 04, 2008
I am a genuine prophet of God, so my opinion counts for more.

really? How do you know this?

And your opinion counts more than the Word of God written by Moses who was the greatest Prophet of God ever?
on May 04, 2008
really? How do you know this?

And your opinion counts more than the Word of God written by Moses who was the greatest Prophet of God ever?

I am merely interpreting what Moses really meant. You, not being a prophet of God, might have more trouble doing this, leading you to erroneous beliefs like that evolution could not have occured.

I know I am a prophet of God because when I look into the mirror, I see the evidence for it. How else could I look so much like a prophet of God if I weren't?
on May 04, 2008
I know I am a prophet of God because when I look into the mirror, I see the evidence for it. How else could I look so much like a prophet of God if I weren't?

Fighting fire with fire, eh?

Logical fallacy party!!!

on May 04, 2008
Fighting fire with fire, eh?

Logical fallacy party!!!

Zoo, stop being heretical.
on May 04, 2008
Zoo, stop being heretical.

Heh, bad.

on May 04, 2008
no it didn't. Man can say whatever he wants...doesn't change the bible. There are plenty of bibles out there that stay true to the original Gk and Hebrew originals.

The likelyhood of your bible being exactly as it was meant to be, is slim. You have the fact that there are various interpretations of Hebrew words, etc... A monk that was transcribing the book could easily have wrote what they thought the bible meant, and therein drastically altering what "God's word" is. To believe that there actually are bibles out there that - according to you - are staying true to the original, is all on faith. I honestly would love to see the day where the folly that is blind faith is pointed and laughed at, by God himself. He tells us to use our minds as well, and honestly KFC, all I see from you is resorting to your faith, not your mind. Your faith overcome logic and facts.

Not meant as an insult btw, just an observation. We still good?

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