The place to go to pout about the universe in a rational way. No intelligence required.
Published on April 29, 2008 By SplitPeaSoup In Religion

Genesis 1:24 (Whole Chapter)
And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so.

The land produces creatures.


Genesis 1:26 (Whole Chapter)
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, [ Hebrew; Syriac all the wild animals ] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

Us, of course, refers to the universe, the universal code, or the ID behind the universe's tuning. Make refers to evolution.

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on May 09, 2008
SilentPoet posts:
Wisdom doesn't come from a single source. As Andre Gide said "Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it."

Sorry, SP, even though quoting Scripture is tiring to you...if the shoe (I mean Scripture) fits?

This makes me think of 1Cor.3:19....."The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God."

always seeking knowledge but never coming to the truth?

Ya, can you imagine how frustrating this must be?

Cheers to your good points on wisdom.   

I'll add that the gift of Wisdom through the Holy Spirit enables us to find habitual spiritual joy in people and things and in conditions and happenings according to their value for the attainment of their highest purpose in the designs of our Infinitely Loving Father in Heaven. In other words, Wisdom is that knowledge and love of God Himself and of His attributes that from it develops faith, hope and charity.

Apply this to the topic and dwell on the charming mystery of Creation, especially our own, in view of the benefits accrued to us through the Inacarnation and Redemption and we can better appreciate the gift of Wisdom.

The Holy Spirit's own eulogy on wisdom: "For she is a vapor of the power of God, and a certain pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty....for she is the brightness of eternal light, and the unspotted mirror of God's majesty, and the image of His goodness...She reneweth all things,and conveyeth herself into holy souls; she maketh the friends of God" Wisdom 7:25-27.

on May 11, 2008
I had a lengthy reply rebuttal to this, having written pieces of it every day since I last comment on this, but...I realized somethings. Thanks can be given to the woman I love.

I used to think that finding answers to life is what mattered. Life had to explained and analyzed and what not. Faith, Science, they're birds of the same feathers, but of different means. They're both about finding answers; They both have their faults and praises, both have their holes and negative aspects. They both seem to have a burning passion (in some cases obsession)in answering everything.

Why? That's what I ask both you KFC, and you Zoo. Why look for the answers? Why do you have to have answers to everything?

Me, I'm going to live life. My physical health is precarious, what happened with my one lung can happen with my other remaining lung. I'm going to enjoy second time I have on earth and not bother with the chaos that is religion, nor the chaos that is science. I've come to realize that one can be just as blind as the other.

You can quote your scripture all you want. You can pray for my soul, that's fine. You can even approach me at a buss stop and hand me reading material (JW's do that here), but I'm going to just shrug my shoulders and say, "No thanks, but I know you mean well." My faith, my belief that there is something greater lies not in scripture, or in science, but in other things.

My something greater, cant be explained, because honestly, it just is. I have faith in hope, love, kindness acts of compassion that normal everyday people do, etc...

My way of sharing that, is being a good man, being kind,honest, integrity driven, hard working, caring, etc.. I'm not going to go and start preaching my way, nor condemn others, because they have their way, their beliefs.

I'm happy with my 'faith.' Call it whatever you wish. Andre Gid had it right in a sense, "Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it."

Some what of a tangent on a tangent; For that point, It doesn't matter how our nation is. Conservative or Liberal? Democrat versus Republican? Give me a break. Life is to be lived, to enjoy and to make the most of what precious little time we have, not argue over a silly and futile point.


Sometimes you cannot change even an inch of a person, nor persons. They're so dipped in one thing or another that they're that way, permanently. It's like the saying, you can't change a zebras stripes. Some just won't change their views, or selves. I've finally accepted that.

what is a "semi-Christian?

I recant that statement. I realize I'm not, as I though, a christian. You are right, I'm not. I'm not really any particular faith. I believe that the supreme being is everything, the plants, the water, the air, the animals, and yes...he is Allah, Yahweh, Buddah, etc..

It is everything and everything is it. That makes sense the most. It's my peace.

on May 11, 2008

I find it silly that there is so much divisiveness. So much classifying. So what if someone has chosen Buddhism, is it not a good thing that they have found their own peace?

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