The place to go to pout about the universe in a rational way. No intelligence required.
Published on April 29, 2008 By SplitPeaSoup In Religion

Genesis 1:24 (Whole Chapter)
And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so.

The land produces creatures.


Genesis 1:26 (Whole Chapter)
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, [ Hebrew; Syriac all the wild animals ] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

Us, of course, refers to the universe, the universal code, or the ID behind the universe's tuning. Make refers to evolution.

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on Apr 29, 2008
each according to its kind."

Doesn't sound like evolution to me. Sounds like each makes the same kind as it is.

Us, of course, refers to the universe, the universal code, or the ID behind the universe's tuning. Make refers to evolution.

Not of course.
on Apr 29, 2008
Sounds like each makes the same kind as it is.

Perhaps once it starts to take shape. A plant will not suddenly turn into an animal, of course...which is probably what that passage means. Subtle change, not spontaneous creation.

If you want to get technical we are ALL the same kind. Look back far enough and everything converges.

on Apr 29, 2008
If you want to get technical we are ALL the same kind. Look back far enough and everything converges.

That's not what the Bible says, though.
on Apr 29, 2008
That's not what the Bible says, though.

Well, the Bible can't say's a book.

on Apr 29, 2008
The land produces creatures.

Really? You got that from that verse? well not skipped right over .......

"in the beginning God created..." Gen 1:1

oh and you forgot:

"And God created great whales and EVERY living creature that moved......." 1:21

oh and this:

"And God said..."Let us make man in our image....." 1:26

"And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them......(notice it says this 3X?) 1:27

there's alot more but I think you get my drift.....

this is doing what the world likes to do...take a verse, run with it, make it into whatever they want and ignore the other scriptures that clearly contradict their idea.

on Apr 29, 2008
Now THIS is a creation story. Thank you Norse.

"For Audhumla, the great cow, there was no verdure upon which to feed. She stood on the verge of gloom, and found sustenance by licking constantly the huge boulders that were encrusted by salt and rime. For the space of a day she fed in this manner, until the hair of a great head appeared. On the second day the cow returned to the boulder, and ere she had ceased to lick, a head of human semblance was laid bare. On the third day a noble form leapt forth. He was endowed with great beauty, and was nimble and powerful. The name he received was Bure, and he was the first of the Asa-gods.

There followed in time more beings--noble giants and wicked giants, and gods. Mimer, who is Mind and Memory, had daughters, the chief of whom was Urd, Goddess of Fate and Queen of Life and Death. Bure had a son named Bor, who took for his wife Bestla, the sister of wise Mimer. Three sons were born to them, and the first was called Odin (spirit), the second Ve whose other name is Honer, and the third Vile, whose other names are Lodur and Loke. Odin became the chief ruler of the Asa-gods, and Honer was chief of the Vans until Loke, the usurper, became their ruler.

Now Ymer and his evil sons were moved with wrath and enmity against the family of gods, and soon warfare broke out between them. To neither side was there early victory, and the fierce conflicts were waged through the long ages ere yet the earth was formed. But, at length, the sons of Bor prevailed over their enemies and drove them back. In time there followed great slaughter, which diminished the army of evil giants until one alone remained.

It was thus that the gods achieved their triumph. Ymer was stricken down, and the victors leapt upon him and then slit open the bulging veins of his neck. A great deluge of blood gushed forth, and the whole race of giants was drowned save Bergelmer, "The Mountain-old", who with his wife took refuge on the timbers of the great World-mill, and remained there. From these are descended the Jotuns, who for ever harboured enmity against the gods.

The great World-mill of the gods was under care of Mundilfore (Lodur-Loke). Nine giant maids turned it with much violence, and the grinding of the stones made such fearsome clamour that the loudest tempests could not be heard. The great mill is larger than is the whole world, for out of it the mould of earth was ground.

When Ymer was dead, the gods took counsel among themselves, and set forth to frame the world. They laid the body of the clay-giant on the mill, and the maids ground it. The stones were smeared with blood, and the dark flesh came out as mould. Thus was earth produced, and the gods shaped it to their desire. From Ymer's bones were made the rocks and the mountains; his teeth and jaws were broken asunder, and as they went round at their labour the giant maids flung the fragments hither and thither, and these are the pebbles and boulders. The ice-cold blood of the giant became the waters of the vast engulfing sea."

Tell me how Genesis makes more sense than this.

on Apr 30, 2008
this is doing what the world likes to do...take a verse, run with it, make it into whatever they want and ignore the other scriptures that clearly contradict their idea.

Again, you make a point based on subjective interpretations of an individual's reading. I think if I took the time to look, I could probably find a lot of contradictions in the bible, given that it was written by a number of different people.

on Apr 30, 2008
Creation myths... aren't they wonderful? And they all say exactly the same thing: out of the void, something came. And all the rest is minor detail and embellishment that says far more about the people creating the myth than it says about the origins of the world.

Myself I prefer Lovecraft's take on things: we know just enough to appreciate our condition, but never enough to do anything about it. So we tell stories instead, and then kill each other over which story is the correct one.

They're all correct. Just as they're all false. And for the same reason. The fact that almost none of you will understand that last statement is a testimony to the accuracy of Lovecraft's insight.
on Apr 30, 2008
They're all correct. Just as they're all false. And for the same reason. The fact that almost none of you will understand that last statement is a testimony to the accuracy of Lovecraft's insight.

I know what you're saying, but I liken it to saying that red is sometimes green because a color blind person can't tell the difference.
on Apr 30, 2008
but I liken it to saying that red is sometimes green because a color blind person can't tell the difference.

And in effect they're both right. Maybe God wanted the colorblind person to see the world that we extrapolate that a bit, perhaps God isn't such a hardass as we're led to believe. By that I mean He wants people to see the world differently not the same old crap over and over, but to experiment and learn and form our own conclusions about life and the things we experience. Not Jesus + ass kissing = heaven...but love, relationships, knowledge, decent human behavior, and other things that you do are much more important when getting into this whole positive afterlife.

on Apr 30, 2008
but I liken it to saying that red is sometimes green because a color blind person can't tell the difference.

And in effect they're both right. Maybe God wanted the colorblind person to see the world that

Apparently God didn't want that person driving or (ironically) enjoying Christmas fully?
on Apr 30, 2008
Again, you make a point based on subjective interpretations of an individual's reading. I think if I took the time to look, I could probably find a lot of contradictions in the bible, given that it was written by a number of different people.

I love this type of challange Maso....   I'm ready for ya! It was written by about 40 diff people from all walks which makes it that more amazing that they were all in agreement totally.

on Apr 30, 2008
Again, you make a point based on subjective interpretations of an individual's reading. I think if I took the time to look, I could probably find a lot of contradictions in the bible, given that it was written by a number of different people.

Look no further. Being a prophet of God, I can tell you the interpretation that is the right one. The bible, though wrought with translation errors, is supposed to say that the land produced animals according to their kind. The other parts are mistakes made by scribes who had a misconception. If it seems to be a contradiction, it is because someone made a mistake, probably your pastor.
on Apr 30, 2008
each according to its kind."

Genesis also mentions "plant" kind as well.

on Apr 30, 2008
Genesis also mentions "plant" kind as well.

He neglects to mention fungus, bacteria, archea, or protists...does that mean they don't exist?

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