The place to go to pout about the universe in a rational way. No intelligence required.
Published on July 9, 2008 By SplitPeaSoup In PC Gaming

In every ordered system in which it is allowed, some element or another at some point figures out it can cheat. Little kids start blaming things on their siblings, carnivores eat herbivores, and lawyers thieve from businessmen. Well, the same has happened within the software industry. Ok, I'll be the first to grant you that the music industry was never really creative in the first place. But people did want what it had to offer. In fact, they wanted crappy music enough to pay big money for a CD.

Well, usually cheaters are not such a huge problem. Usually, non-producers are a thorn in the side of progress, but not a serious impediment. Usually, however, does not apply this time. The internet is different because it gives organized powers no control over who can peep in on their ideas and content at each hop, skip, and router. They can't fight back! DRM is the one defense that creative people have, and Stardock has made a business, in part, out of not using it. Go figure.

So, it seems that the companies  working hard to produce and create can be driven extinct by a common pirate. Piracy destroys the incentive for producers to produce, and if it gets bad enough, companies will stop producing entirely. What I find most ironic about this particularly revolting peice of human nature is that the pirate never realizes that once the creative people stop making them free games, the pirates will go extinct, too.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Jul 11, 2008
on second thought, I will not feed the trolls


Delicious caek

You are just afraid to show me your precious work because you know I'd pirate it. Ideas are only free when they're not yours, right?

Tell me. Why don't you make a charitable donation to piracy by giving me everything you've ever written? You suck anyway, and I wouldn't buy it.

A man of no conviction. Who is a pirate I can respect?
on Jul 11, 2008
on Jul 11, 2008
what a discussion.......

i'd say Amen to the guys who thought it through (pirates r not the problem. it's the current solution vs pirates)

Alot of people pirate, and i've had more then enough games whre the developers let me hanging, telling me i should buy a 350$ upgrade for my system or do not reply to any future mails if the problem cant be solved, at those times i give the company a good mail.

"hello, you wil never see me or even worse, my money again, at the moment i am downloading a fix obtained from pirates, wich cost me a staggering 0$ and i will continue to do so for any new software released by your company, think again before dropping a good customer"

i know not all of the companies do it intentionally, but please people THINK, u dont have to be a rocket-scientist to see that the current ways DO NOT WORK....
you keep throwing rocks to try and kil air, plz pay some attention about what's below
on Jul 11, 2008

Why must all this nonsense go on? I come on today to get some pictures off the Metaverse for GalCiv. Then I see this Topic here, and I couldn't help but laugh. Sly, your statements make no sense what so ever. Is pirating bad? Sure, Have I done it? Damn straight, Do you feel bad about it? To a minor degree, yes. If I play a pirated game, and it awes me so much that pull an all-nighter on it, I go out and I give the liberty of saying "Great F$#%ing game!" by slapping down $50 on Gamestop's counter. Yet that has happened very rarely. The only games that pop up in my head that I have actually done that is Galactic Civilizations II, Star Wars: KOTOR, and of course Elder Scrolls IV. Though I take deep consideration into my games before I buy them, like most pirates I'm not rich. As stated before though, when the Pirated version of the game is actually more functional then the game from the developer I choose to support the people of the web, but once again that has happened rarely (Seems EA is starting a pattern). Anyway getting back to the argument, (cough) did I say Argument? Oh I'm sorry in order to have a argument there has to be two sides, and it appears there is only one. I'm sorry but saying "It's wrong" and "Your stealing Ideas" along with adding a few "Liberal"s and insults in the mix barely accounts for a true argument. No one is 'stealing ideas', you aren't thinking straight if you think this, considering pirates are COPYING the games. I know, a wonderful concept right? They aren't taking the ideas and making their own game with it, but they are actually taking the time to put that game on their computer, make a crack for it and distribute its wonders throughout the community for all to enjoy. The game was already made and distributed! Therefor the 'Idea' cannot be taken. Of course it isn't making the person who made it too happy, but I'm pretty sure he will live considering the majority of people on this Earth do not know a.) WTF a torrent it, b.) How to use torrents, (Provided your using torrents to get your games which is the most popular way) or c.) Are rich enough to just go out and buy the damn thing. I'm sorry but why don't the corporations instead devise a new way to make games, music, and movies cheaper? I mean every movie DVD must cost what...$.70? to make? And yet we are paying $20-$25 for it? Add in shipping and minor profit and you should get a DVD that costs no more then $5. There is no need to pay an Actor tens upon thousands of dollars for acting! Put that into the Props and effects budget and you got a cheaper movie! WTF! Its the very simple fact that we are paying some people too much for too little. Rappers? Getting Millions? Bullshit, enough to get you through the year with some extra bonus to make yourself happy is ALL they should get those greedy f%$#ing bastards.

BTW you seem very racist considering to think other countries are "Barbaric", if ANY country were to deserve such a title it would only be Canada, those damn Canadian bastards need to die (Sarcasm)! If any countries should be labeled as such it might as well be the U.S. and U.K. We both made countries around the world FUBAR, and are trying to repair the damages (Failing pretty badly).

Oh shit, I better get back before those 'Barbaric' Alterians destroy my shit.
on Jul 11, 2008
BTW you seem very racist considering to think other countries are "Barbaric"

on Jul 11, 2008
I'm a communist because I choose not to trash talk other countries? Wow...
on Jul 11, 2008
BTW you seem very racist considering to think other countries are "Barbaric"


I feel highly insulted by the user named "SlyDrivel" constant name-calling and insulting of other people. At the very least his latest posts have been pure trolling attempts, at the worst purely insulting.

I ask that this topic be locked before it becomes a total flame thread and also ask that the moderators take some kind of action with the user "SlyDrivel" to ensure that him/her can no longer troll these forums.
on Jul 11, 2008

I feel highly insulted by the user named "SlyDrivel" constant name-calling and insulting of other people. At the very least his latest posts have been pure trolling attempts, at the worst purely insulting.

I ask that this topic be locked before it becomes a total flame thread and also ask that the moderators take some kind of action with the user "SlyDrivel" to ensure that him/her can no longer troll these forums.

Obviously he's not a commie. But you might be a nervous pirate. Is that the name calling you were talking about? Or did you mean when I called the woman who is convinced that every black person on the planet hates her a racist? But I guess what she said is not trolling because so many people agree with her. Is that the reason any post condoning piracy is legit but any condemning it deserves retribution?
on Jul 12, 2008
So, basically, there is no one in this discussion who believes that digital rights should be defended? In fact, everyone here praises Stardock because they just let pirates steal from them if they want? I am confirmed in my initial belief that you are ALL pirates. I have not heard an opinion from anyone who I would assume has not and will not steal ideas.

No, no, no, you are mixing up two very different positions. Most of the people in this thread aren't defending the pirates, we are criticising the counter-productive methods that some companies use to combat them. I don't pirate games and movies. I am very, very skilled at getting hold of legitimate copies of older games at a good price. I already own more games than I currently play at low prices. I also want those who make said game to be properly paid for them. If I can't afford a game, I just don't buy it.

On the other hand, game companies hurt their own sales and themselves are promoting piracy by using DRM that makes games difficult to play. Plus piracy is not costing them as much money as they think it does for the reasons I briefly outlined above.
on Jul 12, 2008
Titan Quest...

I heard it was a Diablo clone.

Since the game turned a profit, the idea that they went under because of piracy is absurd. They used a very stupid DRM system, caused themselves a shit load of grief they could have avoided by making the game easier to crack. Anything that gives you more tech support is a big fucking no no, especially when the people you're wasting time with didn't even buy the game. Fade is a brilliantly stupid system.

An unimaginative and boring Diablo clone still turns a profit with high system requirements and DRM that makes people think the game is even more buggy than usual. Naturally piracy killed them.

"No, no, no, you are mixing up two very different positions. Most of the people in this thread aren't defending the pirates, we are criticising the counter-productive methods that some companies use to combat them. I don't pirate games and movies. I am very, very skilled at getting hold of legitimate copies of older games at a good price. I already own more games than I currently play at low prices. I also want those who make said game to be properly paid for them. If I can't afford a game, I just don't buy it."

Ok, while I'm not going to steal Spore if it comes with the activation limit, at this point it's one and the same. I'm defending the pirates because at this point I consider them the lesser of two evils. I mean the real dirtbags too, not just the ones that try before they buy to avoid getting fucked in the ass. Guys that download every game they play and never even consider paying for them are above EA in my view with the news coming out of the Bioware boards over Mass Effect.

Refused activations, long distance tech support being needed to get a shot at them, week long waits to play their games, activations being invalidated over fucking driver updates. If you broke into a house and stole the physical components from another user, you'd at least not be stealing from someone that gave you their business.

The silence from EA is deafening. No recognition at all of the severe lack of honesty, and a general purpose EULA that was written to give them the right to defraud their own customers.
on Jul 12, 2008
TO ANY MODERATOR READING THIS TOPIC:I feel highly insulted by the user named "SlyDrivel" constant name-calling and insulting of other people. At the very least his latest posts have been pure trolling attempts, at the worst purely insulting.I ask that this topic be locked before it becomes a total flame thread and also ask that the moderators take some kind of action with the user "SlyDrivel" to ensure that him/her can no longer troll these forums.Obviously he's not a commie. But you might be a nervous pirate. Is that the name calling you were talking about? Or did you mean when I called the woman who is convinced that every black person on the planet hates her a racist? But I guess what she said is not trolling because so many people agree with her. Is that the reason any post condoning piracy is legit but any condemning it deserves retribution?

No, he wants the thread locked because you're a TROLL.

I mean, come on... you even changed your name just for this one post. This is a hilarious joke hardy har har you makes teh lolz gud.

Now shut up and someone lock this.
on Jul 12, 2008
You have any sources for this information or are you just generalizing and furthering a ridiculous stereotype?

Pirates are human beings like you. Some are stupid. Some are freeloaders. Some are extremely intelligent. Some pirates buy a huge quantity of games each year, legally. Piracy has even helped a certain TV show make it big. In other words, they aren't all idiots that would never consider The Big Picture.

I'm not saying that piracy is "right" or "wrong" -- nor do I really care. The MPAA and RIAA aren't going to tell me how I should think, neither is Demonoid or the Astalavista underground; from where I sit, if a good product is made, people will buy it. If a publishing company loads their software up with intrusive and error-prone DRM, don't be surprised if an old customer decides to pirate the next title you sell.

I've had legit CDs fail on me several times on my last computer because the CD drive was somehow bad (according to EA). I bought the games from Wal*Mart, they were legal, but the on-screen dialog box was telling me to insert the correct disc. Worked alright at the office! Hmm.

I guess that makes me a pirate, then, since I used the work of pirates and crackers to get the legit program to run on my computer with a no-CD crack. Curiously, the pirates had fixed several bugs in the program, too. What evil men!

Yeah, long story short: pirates aren't all the same. Some spend a lot of money supporting the developers and publishers they like. Others never spend money and ONLY steal.

And look at Stardock! No intrusive or game-breaking DRM. Easy to pirate? Sure! Are they still making the bucks, despite all their software ending up on torrent sites and newsgroups? Yes. Why? They make GOOD QUALITY STUFF -- and it WORKS. Even the pirates end up buying some of their stuff, what a shocker!

here here!

I have also had to use pirated software in order to get a legal purchase of mine to work as it should. Though pirating could be considered wrong, I think that most pirates will buy a piece of software they find useful. They only pirate a copy to try it out. I've met MANY people who have even told me their first copy of Sins was pirated, but they went out and bought it later.

on Jul 12, 2008
I bought Mass Effect, and even though I was lucky enough to not have it cause issues over activation, I intend to peruse the net these days for a crack.
Because I bought a digital download version, have the installation files manually packed for storage on a DVD and it *still* is hogging 10GB of hard drive space because - I dare not uninstall it. Its a great game, like most which came from Bioware, and I would like to play it again one day, but I really don't want to waste time on a capricious DRM. Ever. I don't even want to hop on to the net even though I have flat-rate broadband, simply out of principle.

I bought the product, and I should not be dictated the terms of PERSONAL usage as long as that usage does not infringe on the rights and freedoms of other private individuals, EULA be damned.

So in this case I am forced to go to the pirates just to improve the quality of a product and/or service I paid for.

And that's why the gaming industry is suffering. When pirates act as a "supplementary" customer support, when you have to go to them to ensure your rights as a paying consumer are fulfilled in a fair manner, then one has to pause for a moment and reconsider the state of commercial publishing standards and overall quality of service deemed acceptable by the development companies.
on Jul 12, 2008
I cant believe this thread is still going. Somebody lock it and stop the idiot who posted it from embarrassing himself any more.
on Jul 12, 2008
On the other hand, game companies hurt their own sales and themselves are promoting piracy by using DRM that makes games difficult to play. Plus piracy is not costing them as much money as they think it does for the reasons I briefly outlined above.

See, I have trouble believing this. I have experienced DRM, and it's not a big impediment. Even the 10 day recurring internet check wouldn't be that bad. I don't see what the big deal is if you are not a pirate, and I don't think there is one.

when you have to go to them to ensure your rights as a paying consumer are fulfilled in a fair manner

You can only buy the rights to a product that are for sale. Your "natural" gaming rights include not being able to play the game and reading a book instead.

I have the sims 2, and I have to put the CD in my drive everytime I want to play. I guess that's annoying, but it's not that bad. It's certainly not as bad a deal as pirates want it to be.
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